My Side of the Barn

Barn Tales

General Store

Amazing Things for You

Stories have a unique ability to transcend boundaries and build connections between people…. like a bridge. Thru storytelling, we can connect with the experiences and emotions of others. 

Let’s embark on a journey to connect the past, present, and future. By sharing our stories we can draw upon the wisdom of the past to inspire and guide us in shaping a better world today. By sharing stories that celebrate our shared humanity, we can build bridges of understanding, empathy, and respect.

So, how shall we begin this storytelling adventure? Is there a specific topic or theme you’d like to explore with me?

Bridges and roads, windmills and streams; join me on my adventures!

Inner Action

Standing at the doorway waiting to come in, join me for a cup of Jo, and share a little whim….sical thought to brighten someone’s day.

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